My life as it is now in Singapore.

It can be quiet, it can be noisy. It can be boring, it can be full of excitement.

It is always hot.


The next Singaporean who explains to me that here, in Singapore "We don't wear flip flops to work *unimpressed look* " gets a punch in the face.

The problem with automatic flush toilets is that "people" become too accustomed to not being required to push a button and therefore are unable to deal with exception circumstances; and by "people" i actually mean disgusting defecating grot monsters who may appear to resemble a person but are actually way too uncivilised to be considered as one of us. like ew. what a way to end my day in the work toilets. in the 2 second glance i noticed that there was pee AND poo and NO paper and NO signs of flushing so GO FIGURE. whoever you are, you disgust me.

I just really needed to get that off my chest. besides that, I'm pretty dandy!

much love xo