My life as it is now in Singapore.

It can be quiet, it can be noisy. It can be boring, it can be full of excitement.

It is always hot.



I haven't played house in a while. By that, since I have been living out of home in an apartment in Singapore with my partner (Further to an interesting conversation that I had whilst in Sydney with the girls, it was highlighted that I should be referring to Dugy as my "partner" and not my "boyfriend" given that we fall into that unforgivably ugly category of de facto. De facto pretty much means shit all in Singapore family law in terms of rights and privileges, however in Australia, I feel like I've been slam dunked into the same bucket as a large group of generic white people. Horrifying! No wonder my Mum refused to accept my living arrangement all this time.. it all makes sense now. The next step for me in order to further my status into this dark hole would be to get pregnant and have a child (or multiple) out of wedlock.HISSSSSSSSS. Take that, Asian conservatism! No, actually.. really I don't want to.. I'm not ready to part with my conservative Asian values.) for the past two and a half years, I mean to truly take ownership of the four walls within which I call home (term used loosely). I took the opportunity of Dugy being out of the country for the weekend to take charge and due to other factors (The lock to our apartment made signs of potential flat lining (it's an electronic lock. snazzy but also inefficient) on Saturday which meant that there was the possibility of being locked out of the apartment if the battery decided to die while I went out.. Being home alone for the weekend and not being able to schedule the lock man to replace the battery until Monday morning meant that I was confined to my 800sqf for all of Sunday. This proved to encourage productivity (cleaning) at the expense of an expansive diet (for brunch I had two poached eggs with toast, however come dinner I realised that ingredients were lacking to the point that I was WISHING that we'd have a can of SPAM in the pantry. I ended up eating half a can of tuna, a mini magnum and some almonds).), I managed to do a massive home cleanse. However, due to the same reasons I was unable to complete my mission of cooking (nothing to cook with) and filling all of my tupperware (ok, I don't actually own tupperware in Singapore as I have refrained from investing in my kitchen whilst expatting. oh how i wish i had tupperware! this living arrangement is slowly killing me from within) with food to eat for the rest of the week, which sadly did leave me with a massive sense of failure. So no food to eat for the rest of the week. Come Tuesday night when my grocery shopping is delivered (thank goodness for that; while I stared out solemnly to the supermarket which is only metres away, I substituted my need to touch and feel with the cyber version like a little 15 year old boy watching porn).

I really wish that Singaporeans would accept that accents exist in this world, particularly the globally infamous Singaporean accent (don't worry guys, I haven't fallen victim and vow never to). Moreso, I would really wish that people would stop telling me how I should be pronouncing (a) words in English; and (b) my own name (yes, also in English). Get with it! Sometimes it's just absolutely frustrating/mystifying that this is a supposed Asian hub in a global economy yet expats are judged and glared at and there are such stark cultural divisions existing within society. For a place where there are multiple official languages, you would think that multiculturalism actually exists here, but quite interestingly I often sense of strong resistance towards any degree of unification. Quite ridiculous for such a small place!!!

No holidays until December. That's pretty scary for me, in fact I don't know how I'm going to survive it mentally. It's not the fact of a break, but the fact of having no plans to get out of Singapore, even if for a short while for this place drives me crazy. That said, I have committed to embark on a yoga journey in replacement of a gym membership (still active, needs to be culled ASAP as it is costing me SGD150 a month and with negative returns.) and hopefully that will keep my mental focus in tact (as well as heightened flexibility and some level of skill!). Time spent in Singapore would not be so difficult for me if I had one of my lovelies over here, but as I bluntly told Dugy when he "wished that [my] friends would relocate here", I would not wish that upon any of my friends as I actually do love them. "Maybe they'd like-" "No." Yes folks, it does appear that Singapore and I still have not grown to be friends. That said, I don't think I'm ready to part from the convenience of buying chicken rice for dinner just yet.

that's all folks. much love. xox