My life as it is now in Singapore.

It can be quiet, it can be noisy. It can be boring, it can be full of excitement.

It is always hot.


Becoming FOB

These days I only drink warm water. I also found that I prefer having my tea with evaporated milk instead of fresh milk. I'm also constantly well stocked with packets of tissue paper and wet wipes.

oh yeah. shit's happening.

much love xox


a shoe in.


I don't own a pair of sneakers. the closest thing that I have to a pair of sneakers in Singapore is a pair of black sequined converse high tops. I don't even know if that's the correct terminology, but they're sparkly black and are high tops. they're not actual sneakers. though they technically are... but you know... sequins! the very reason that I purchased them in the first place.

Anyway, I know that in my previous post I talked about how I need to clean out my wardrobe etc etc...and it still is something that I intend to do... but Chinese New Year AND a holiday AND my birthday are coming up and what better way to bring on the new year and a new age than buy a new pair of shoes!.... which are also arguably a necessity given that there isn't really a substitute for sneakers. flip flops (I've started to say "flip flops" instead of "thongs" recently because while people here think they've been educated via the British English system most of their spelling and vocabulary has emanated from American pop culture) are terrific and I wear them as much as I can, but not entirely practical in all situations. Convinced yet? TOTALLY! I NEEEEEEEED SNEAKERS!!

As I initially pondered this gaping hole in my shoe collection I realised that I have no idea how to buy sneakers. That's pretty sad. I don't even know what I like or would look good in (most important of all). Like what sneaker would have the least impact on making my legs look stubby? Do I want white sneakers? Would black sneakers reduce the blatant sneaker look? Why didn't I try on those Y-3 for Adidas sneakers in Hong Kong? What's actually fashionable these days?

yay! project! totally self-serving, but why not when I still can.

much love xox


apostrophe eleven

It's been a while, and now it's a new year.

I was thinking about ways in which i could improve myself as a way of making something out of two-oh-eleven rather than just letting it pass by, as did 2010.

i think sadly, i am becoming increasingly materialistic which is not uncommon for types like me. you know, female, unmarried, late twenties who like to shop to pass time and stuff. I'm sure I could survive perfectly well with 30% of my existing wardrobe, i could do without at least 50% of my shoes and just... spend a lot less on frivolous things. we all KNOW it.

Perhaps i should start with my daily routine. it takes me about 90 minutes to get from bed and out the door each day that i go to work. it really makes no sense, i don't know how i'd manage to get into work before 9am if I did not live 15 minutes away from the office.

I start by getting out of bed. I do something or rather for about 8-12 minutes (non-productive, no idea where the time goes) before I hop into the shower which is much like a black hole because somehow I only emerge about 20-30 minutes later. I brush my teeth. moisturise. select the outfit for the day (1-3 minutes). go downstairs and commence the putting on my face routine. [primer. liquid foundation. concealer. powder. eyeshadow x 2 (min). gel eyeliner. curl lashes. mascara. brow powder. blush. lipgloss. ooh la lift! spritz a bit of urban decay's dew me.] blow dry hair (really it's just drying of hair, nothing fancy). select perfume for the day (Monday is usually a Gucci Envy day). jewellery.

and then, i'm finally done! no wonder i feel a sense of achievement each day before i've even begun my work day. but sadly i can't even fit in breakfast and i already have to make my way into the office. and i don't actually look like a million dollars, nor could i use my looks to score a million dollars. so it seems like i'm wasting a bit of effort in the mornings.

I think i'd like to go forward with a blank canvas and only buy and use whatever is absolutely necessary. in order to do that, i'll need to figure out what that is.

Secondly, I'll have to tackle my wardrobe which is something that i've been planning to do for the longest time, ever since my drawers broke (due to excessive loads) and I started to only really wear the top 5 things that I can see. but it's always a case of struggling with the "oh I am totally going to be looking to wear that one day!". However, with the tiny thing that is the standard wardrobe and apartment size in Singapore, I am going to need to figure something out. It's going to take a whole month.

We are currently trying to figure out a good time to visit Sydney and catch up with families and Lovelies. I hope it will not be too far away. Most likely wintertime. actually, that is far away. good thing I don't need to wait until then for a pork roll ;)

much love xox