The short asian female was not me, I promise, however I have woken up after 8 hrs of sleep, now sober and am still completely devastated/appalled/disgusted at the white man favouritism that dominates the bouncers' perceptions at Pump Room in Clarke Quay. I wish I could say that I told the bouncers to "Fuck your white man bias and enjoy sucking their dicks!!", but I'm not sure what kind of night that would have ended up as.
We probably spent no more than 15 minutes at Pump Room.
Standing at the bar, this group of freakishly tall (as in my head probably reached as high as their belly buttons) white boys from some undisclosed European country (somewhere where at the age of 30 it's cool to tell on short girls) kept elbowing the back of our heads due to 1) freakish height; and 2) general disregard for the comfort of others. I calmly turned around and warned them to watch their elbows. I am quite sure that they were shocked that a) I knew how to speak English (since they're white, they obviously own that language); and b) had the audacity to attempt to assert any kind of authority over them, given my gender/ethnicity and all. This was all repeated again when enter R who assumed the elbowed-in-the-back-of-the-head position and got her Sydney on.
The really ugly (truly, truly, atrociously ugly - who H later called Arnold Schwarzenegger) giant decided at some point that he could both feel R up and then proceed to grind her from behind as she waited at the bar, while H her boyfriend, was a mere metre away. At this point, the freakish giants were just going too far, and a drink ended up being spilt on the back of the really ugly giant's back. Oh poor diddums. He and his companions decided that the right thing to do would obviously be to dob on us to the bouncers. Given our threatening stature and all. Rarrr! That aSiAn pRidE stuff can get way outta control yeh. waddup.
Like SERIOUSLY!?! If it weren't for the fact that my arm couldn't even reach past his chest, this guy deserved a glassing!!!
Anyway, it was exasperating to say the least, trying to explain to the bouncers that this guy was being inappropriate and disrespectful, particularly given that the glorified white man was telling lies in the meantime about how he had done absolutely nothing of the sort. FUCK YOU! and don't tell me to calm down you White Man lover, I know that you probably have never considered that inappropriate touching is, well, inappropriate and that girls should thank men and not feel disrespected but hey, you're dealing with people from the real world (ie outside of Singapore). Strange I know, with our slanty small eyes and all, we obviously "look Singaporean!" Fuck you. Probably didn't help the cause that one out of two of the bouncers so involved was white. It became quite obvious that Pump Room has set itself up to be a haven for insecure non-Asians. If much shorter Asian girls scare you, Pump Room is the place for you. I know that it has always been a popular joint for expats and whites, but that has in itself actually never deterred me from going there, or actually liking it there. This enlightenment however, has. Onto the ban list you go, I don't appreciate having racial bias affecting my night.
At the end of the day, if this is the type of bias that Singapore condones, then Singapore and its white man worship can go fuck itself. It's not as if this is a surprise to us really, but the fact that the bouncers took this giant seriously, and considered that a small group of short Asians could be at all threatening to these giants, is an illustration of the repulsive bias for white people and bias against Asians.
White man worship wins again.
much love xox.
My life as it is now in Singapore.
It can be quiet, it can be noisy. It can be boring, it can be full of excitement.
It is always hot.